Fundraising Countdown

The support and fundraising that has happened on my behalf has touched my heart and has made alternative cancer treatment a possibility for me. Donations continue to be my primary funding for healthy food, supplements, living expenses and medical bills. If you feel moved to give to my Health and Wellness Fund, please follow the Paypal "Donate" button below. To avoid Paypal's 3% fee, checks or cash can be sent to Zachariah Walker, 1003 Chipeta Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501. Blessings!


Donate to Zachariah's Health & Wellness Fund

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hospital Angeles: Day 3

From Facebook Post: Noon Saturday
Buenos dias! Well, it is on. After two full days of consultations the doctors here at Angeles Hospital have offered an individualized treatment plan for my leukemia case. I am currently hooked up to a Vitamin C IV for mega dosing (25,000 mg, that's 25 packets of E-mergency in 4 hours!). Behind the scenes I am having my own NK and Dendritic cells extracted from my blood to create "vaccines" that will boost my own immune system's ability to fight the caner cells in my body. In addition I will have Hyperthermia treatment where fever is induced in my body at a level that cancer cells can not survive, but is not damaging for healthy cells. Other treatments will include Transdermal Ozonated therapy, Bioenergetic treatment and Glutathione IVs. As my inner scientist continues to understand these treatments and how they work I will indulge interested readers on my Blog site. It looks like I will be scheduled finish these treatments and be on my way back home a week from Wednesday where I will have an at home treatment plan. In the meantime, Christopher Lepisto and I are doing a great job of enjoying ourselves with laughter, boldness in our attempts to communicate in Spanish, yoga sessions in the coastal sun, and creating slap-happy Blog videos late at night. I am certainly happy that the madness surrounding the circumstances in getting here have settled into the laid-back yet proactive attitude of this place. Estoy muy contento!

Chillin' in my room, receiving mega dose of Vitamin C
and designing my new and improved Blog!

1 comment:

Shankarabarathi said...

Its very informative and interesting article.All the points are very useful. Simple but very effective writing. Thanks for sharing such a nice post.
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